Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Shimmering Sky Part 2

Last week I wrote about picking Shimmering Sky as a 
reading book for my son because of lavish illustrations, straight forward stories, and large format.
As promised, I'm going to tell how well my choice worked with 
my son.
Okay. It worked okay.
Getting him to read it with me was not a huge struggle. But he wasn't eager for it either. We've read two of the stories and a few of the science activities in the book. He engaged a bit with the stories,
but didn't want to talk about them afterwards.
Of course, that wasn't the only book I brought home from the
library. And one of my other choices he grabbed and read on
his own eagerly and discussed avidly. Am I happy about that?
Surprised? To answer in order: sort of, and not at all.

My son loves Dr. Seuss.
He loves jokes.
He likes nonsense words.
He loves asking strange (to me) questions.
The Cat's Quizzer is packed with all of that.
It is not packed with narrative, or grade
appropriate information. But it does remind
me of my own beliefs-focus on the fact that 
your child is reading and not on what they are reading.
Hard to do when what I believe clashes with what I want. I want 
him to read stories. I want him to enjoy and learn from what he reads. I want him to connect stories to the world I live in, and not just to his own amazingly different world.
I counsel myself to be patient and enjoy his unique strengths.
-Spectrum Mom

"I give myself such very good advice, but I very seldom listen."
-Alice in Wonderland (Disney, not Carroll)

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