My boy and I are slogging through summer reading, so no new suggestions
today. Here's a brief peek at our process. The school offers three options for
summer reading reports, the traditional report, the response journal, or the
cereal box. When we did the cereal box in third grade, it seemed more parents
than child. But of course the others involve a lot of prep work from us too.
For instance the response journal offers pages of questions. This is a bit much
for him to process. But deciding which options to offer does not always take us
very deep in the book. Here's his work on Chapter Four:
Chapter 4
• Describe a character that you would like to meet (which doesn’t mean that you
think you would like the character, but that you think the character would be
interesting). List 4 questions that you would ask.
pg. 99-105
The girl has hair and eyes that look black.
The girl says that the old man made Hugo go away before she came to the booth.
What is your name?
What color is your hair?
What color are your eyes?
What color is your face?