Friday, March 5, 2010

Who is an autistic reader?

Since no two kids are alike, and kids on the autism spectrum differ at least as much as typically developing kids, you may
question (please do-I'm a little lonely here) the use of the term "autistic reader."

All readers have their own preferences. But just as libraries create lists of books for different grade levels, I want to create
a list for kids with autism. Within that list there could be many subsets by age, skills, and preferences. So please, send
comments with your own experiences. I welcome finding out if my suggestions worked or didn't work for your child.

Finding a book that a child enjoys is always trial and error. Last year, when my son was eight, we tried The Magic Treehouse series by Osborne. Many of his peers read that in first thru third grade.
He didn't like it much. But a contemporary of his with an autism diagnosis really likes the books and has read many of

A book can meet all the criteria I discussed yesterday and not be liked, or it can fail to meet the criteria and still be a
favorite. But books that meet the criteria of simple, well-illustrated stories are a good place to start.

I mentioned in my second post that my boy liked the Carle illustrated "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" series when another child
with a diagnosis did not. Interestingly, I just saw a book from the series on a booklist for autistic children.
My thanks to my brother who reminded me to search with quotation marks: "books for autistic children."

And keep in mind that unless otherwise specified, the "autistic reader" I have in mind is my boy, past and present.
Tell the world about your child's favorites and give parents some help in searching for the books their children will

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