Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lizard Music

When I started this site, one of my motives was to 
elicit book suggestions for my son. There haven't 
been a lot of those. Generous authors
(i.e. Oliver Neubert and Jacqueline Houtman)  
have sent me books to review, 
but there's been almost no "I (or my child) loved this book."
Except for Lizard Music. I posted a query on a Pinkwater
site and a reader came here (thank you) to suggest this as the
best of the Pinkwater canon for my boy.
In Lizard Music Victor tells the story of his unusual summer. 
Eleven years old (like my boy) Victor is home alone since his
parents and his sister (mature in age only) have gone on separate
vacations, one after the other. He does what any right thinking
boy his age would do, orders in pizza and stays up late watching
television. Which has lizard musicians on after the late movie. 
My son likes this book because the Chicken Man has a lot of
different names, and Pinkwater sounds like Pentwater, and 
Lake Mishagoo sounds funny, and because last night he read
"Charlie got a question" instead of reading, "Charlie asked a
I could explain some of the logic of these likes, but you either
already get it (in which case email me immediately!) or are
like me and will never quite understand.
Liking is not the same as following the story, but liking is
good too.
-Spectrum Mom

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