Sunday, September 18, 2011

Look Me in the Eye/Leisa A. Hammett

Today - a new series begins! Instead of the usual fare of autism-friendly children’s literature, 
here is something for adults in this guest review by Nashville-based author, speaker and 
autism-mom/advocate, Leisa A. Hammett.

Here’s a portion of her review of John Elder Robison’s Look me in the Eye his extraordinary life
with Asperger’s.
“Parts of "Aspergian" John Elder Robison's Look Me in the Eye plod. 
Including the beginning and parts of the end. Yet, the writing is crisp, the character
(himself) intriguing and likable. And, the reader hopefully realizes--as I did--that this is,
after all, an autobiography of a person with Asperger's syndrome...The sometimes chokingly-dry
intricate details are his life, the machinations of his incredibly gifted mind,
and naturally in character with Asperger's. Remembering that makes the dry passages palatable
and even a bit charming.
I would recommend this book to anyone wanting to expand their understanding of
Asperger's syndrome, especially parents of children with autism. It is one of the better books
I've read by an "Aspergian." There are many books out by people on this high end of the autism
spectrum and some of them are also dry or disjointed. But the beauty of them is that it is their
story told by them--not an expert writing about them and not a parent. I am very grateful to such
authors because they expand my parent view of the spectrum as well as educate the world,
hopefully, to become more tolerant. I truly turned the last page and closed the cover of
 Look Me in the Eye more enlightened and possessing a deeper understanding of the syndrome.
Robison has been successful with his first book. Here's a link to his second book, Be Different.
Look Me in the Eye was listed as a New York Times bestseller. Both Robison and
highly successful author-brother Auguston Burroughs (Running with Scissors),
though their childhood was frighteningly traumatic, can credit their poet mother
for a genetic gift with words. With skilled effort--that appeared effortlessly--Robinson
takes the reader through his childhood, adolescence, young and middle adulthood.
The childhood scenes are at times a bit harrowing and .  .  . ”
[you can read the rest of this review @“The Journey with Grace:
Autism, Art & All the Rest of Life”].
[Leisa A. Hammett publishes her blog three times weekly and usually focuses on autism and 
“disAbility”on Wednesdays. She also occasionally covers art and autism on Fridays.]

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